Birthday Haul

by - 8:27 PM

I promised I would do a birthday gift recap and here it is! I celebrated my 30th birthday on August 8th, this year. If you missed it, read about my birthday week on my weekly recap of last week. I got some  replies to my story asking what I got so this post is dedicated to showing you guys everything in full detail. A lot of what I received is what I use on a day-to-day basis and some of the items are brand new that were on my wish list for a while. The biggest thank you goes to my friends and family, near and afar who coordinated with Drew and my siblings to get gifts sent in. Almost everything here can be purchased through Amazon and you can view the entire collection to shop for what you like or want at this link here

As far as beauty products go, I got a couple of NYX sprays including a primer spray and a matte setting spray. If you're looking for a way to get your make-up to stay put, especially with all the mask-wearing going on, using a primer and a setting spray works wonders. I also really love these biodegradable hair ties. I use them often, I lose them often. So I'm always in need of them. Also pictured is a derma roller (Tiffany blue-colored box) and Hyaluronic Acid Serum (to the right of the derma roller) to go with it. I'm really excited to use these because I've done a decent amount of research and reading on the benefits of using a derma roller and hyaluronic acid. Up in the top right corner is a Exfoliating Glycolic Face Mask and Scrub, which helps with blackheads, brighting your skin and refining the look of pores or uneven skin. 

At the bottom and the green/orange bottles on the left side are all of the things you need for DIY dip powder nails. I've been doing my nails at home for the past 2 years now, I used to go to the nail salon pretty much every 2 weeks on the dot. Drew and I have cut our budget down extremely and now I've cut out nail salons, hair salons (aside from the once a year cut for split-ends/healthy growth reasons), threading, waxing, etc. I taught myself how to do gel nails and now dip powder nails at home (thanks, YouTube). These kits really work as long as you follow the directions and don't get any on your skin or cuticles. $30-$40 will get you a kit and they can last pretty much for a whole year! 

Top left corner is the Fenty liquid lipstick. I got it in the shade Uncuffed which is a dark rosy color. 

My aunt got me this bottle of wine^. We had more bottles of wine but we drank them. When in doubt, get anyone wine as a gift and it's instantly the classy thing to do. The art on this bottle is also interesting. 

Also blooming tea. If you're a huge tea drinker or if you're trying to steer away from your coffee addiction, tea is the way to go. There are some teas that provide ample caffeine with more health benefits as well. This tea tumbler is fantastic. I had one years ago but I broke it (my fault, not the bottle's) and had wanted to get a new one since. It's double-walled so that your tea stays hot and your hand doesn't burn. I also use it for infused water. The infuser basket on the inside can hold loose leaf teas and also fruit! Anyways, back to the blooming tea (right side), these are tea packets that turn into beautiful flowers when you let them steep in hot water. I'm always mesmerized by how they create these to bloom so beautifully. 

PLANT FRIENDS! I also got some really cool planters. This one is my absolute favoooorite. 

This one is a self watering planter so if you're like me and have that one finicky plant that you just can't seem to get it's watering schedule down, this one is perfect. 

And these came in a set and looks perfect on any side table or coffee table. 

Our household loves reusable water bottles and shaker bottles. I also got this milk carton shaped water bottle which I LOVE. It's dope and a great conversation starter wherever I take it. 

Along with our love for reusable bottles, comes a disorganized cabinet in our kitchen that looks a mess. Someone gifted us with this water bottle organizer for our cabinet and it's been a lifesaver. I'm thinking about getting another one for our coffee tumblers and Yeti's 😅

Alright. I'm pretty sure that's nearly everything. I hope you guys found this useful or found something that you could even add to your own wish list. Again, all of the items are available in our Amazon store, and you can check out our other collections if you're curious to what we have filed under "favorite things." 

Happy Thursday!

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