
A Day at Swan's Pumpkin Farm

by - 5:30 AM

On Saturday, we visited Swan's Pumpkin Farm in Caledonia, WI to pick pumpkins. The purpose of the visit was to do just that but we found ourselves exploring the whole farm and enjoying so much more.

There were so many rides; a mini barrel train ride, hay rides, and pedal go-karts. As well as a petting zoo, multiple corn mazes, haunted attractions, and a store that sold a lot of different items ranging from country foods to toys. A small booth near the entrance sold homemade Apple Cider Donuts and they were so good, Chhally went back to buy a dozen more.

I expected the place to be very crowded and although there were lots of people, it wasn't crowded at all. The farm is huge but cozy at the same time.

There were rows of pumpkins placed everywhere just waiting to be picked. We grabbed a wheelbarrow and searched for a pumpkin. Chhally helped Nolan pick a small pumpkin. I found a medium-sized one. Then we headed to the petting zoo.

Next, Nolan wanted to ride the barrel train.

Then we found our way into one of the mazes. Where Nolan got excited when he picked up a corn cob he found on the ground.

And we met some characters along the way.

The end of the maze path lead us to the pumpkin patch!

To end our day at the farm at dusk, we hopped on the hay ride trail and, as one of the last groups to go, had the hay ride to ourselves.

Back at home, we carved our pumpkins and had a blast.

October has been great to us so far! Halloween is one of my favorite holiday themes and I can't wait to do more Halloweenish stuff.

Happy October!

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