This is Mai Kaw Xiong.

She's 22 years old and is projected to graduate from Alverno College this June.
She's an amazing big sister...

And an amazing friend. I met Mai in the middle school, when we were just wee little 6th graders. She was always so friendly and spontaneous. We've been great friends ever since. We love going out and just hanging out as a group. Mai is always the funny one, always laughing or cracking jokes! Her smile is contagious and her personality could brighten anyone's day!

On March 14th, she was hanging out with some close friends downtown when she was struck by a car traveling at 45mph while crossing the street. The driver hit her and kept on going. Police are still searching for the hit and run driver. Mai in in critical condition in the ICU of a nearby hospital. She has a broken hip, broken pelvis, broken leg, broken femur and artery damage. Doctors expect that she will need 3 emergency surgeries. As of right now, she has completed her first surgery and is on standby until she can breathe on her own.
Everyone who knew her, as well as people who didn't know her, are donating to help the family pay for the hospital expenses. If you can, please visit
to place a donation.

Help us save, Mai!
I've also placed a fundraiser section on the left side of TSJ to help raise even more funds. Please share and help us reach our goal!
xoxo Vicky
Comment here!